Water & Sewer Department
Water Department Operation & Maintenance
The operation and maintainence of both treatment plants, the sanitary sewer and drinking water distribution systems for the Village of Garrettsville is performed by these personnel:
Jeff Sheehan, Superintendent
Howard Moore
Jeff Turk
Mike Veon
Anthony Augaitis

The Garrettsville Water Department was established in 1907, to alleviate Village safety concerns over inadequate fire protection. At the time, the Village Fire Department had only an unreliable, 20-year old, Village owned fire engine that utilized two river connections and five cisterns located throughout the Village.
In July 1905, the Garrettsville Council declared it necessary to issue municipal bonds, in the amount of $40,000, for the purpose of constructing a water works system. The original contract included an iron removal treatment plant with two sand filters, 46 fire hydrants, 40 main line valves and approximately 6.5 miles of water lines. Construction was completed and Village Bylaws were adopted in the spring of 1907. The original Bylaws supplied an estimated yearly water cost of $15 for a home. The cost included usage for one water closet, one bath tub, one cow and a horse and carriage. The first washbasin in every house was free of charge.
The first known improvements occurred in the 1940’s when a modern aerator was installed and the two original water filters were replaced. In 1958, the water facility was enlarged and two additional filters were added.
The water treatment plant obtains water from ground wells located near the facility . Twenty different wells have been utilized over the years. Today the plant uses two wells which were drilled and installed in 1968 and 1975.
In 1991, improvements were made to the facility to expand the treatment process. These improvements included the addition of chemical aeration, rebuilding the rapid sand filters with improved media and rebuilding the under-drain system. It also included the addition of a second clearwell and a new, high service pump, a connection to the Village sanitary sewer system, installation of a process control panel, updating the electrical system, and the installation of a bulk water station.
In 2000, the 350,000 gallon reservoir was refurbished and altitude valves were installed to improve the water turnover throughout the distribution system. The original 150,000 gallon clearwell was improved in 2004.
Today, the Garrettsville Water Department has over 200 fire hydrants, 220 water main line valves, over 20 miles of distribution piping. This allows the Village to supply an average of 90 million gallons of water each year to over 2,500 customers.
Contact Information
Water/Sewer Emergencies
Monday–Friday from 7am–3pm:
Call 330-527-2080, followed by the Water Clerk’s office 330-527-4424 if there is no answer at the Wastewater Plant.
After 3pm and Weekends:
Call 330-527-4717 to notify the Police Department.
Jeff Sheehan
Phone: 330-527-2080
10724 Liberty Street
Garrettsville, OH 44231